The ALIVE! Food Hubs offers residents of the City of Alexandria free food, personal items, cleaning supplies, school supplies, and connections to information about other services.
AREA - Alexandria, VA
AGE RANGE - 18 and above to volunteer solo, 15 and above if accompanied by an adult
What is ALIVE! Alexandria?
The ALIVE! Food Hubs offers residents of the City of Alexandria free food, personal items, cleaning supplies, school supplies, and connections to information about other services. They offer these items at three locations: West End Food Hub (510-F South Van Dorn Street), Del Ray Food Hub (2601 Mount Vernon Avenue), and Cora Kelly Elementary School (3600 Commonwealth Ave). More details on times and dates are here.
How do I volunteer?
Volunteers are needed for food distribution, administrative assistance, and translation. You can start here, then register to volunteer, and then see the many opportunities here.
Feel free to share extra information and personal experiences in the comments below, or head over to the forum!