Provides groceries to Arlington residents in need
AREA - Arlington, VA
AGE RANGE - All ages
What is AFAC?
AFAC distributes groceries to families in need every week in Arlington, VA. One third of the people AFAC supports are children. Families need a referral to receive food from AFAC. Referrals can come from an Arlington County government agency or one of many local churches, schools, or social service agencies. This system ensures that AFAC clients are legitimate, and that all of their needs are being assessed and addressed.
How do I volunteer?
AFAC depends on the help of hundreds of volunteers. Volunteers bag, distribute, drive, glean, grow, help in the office and warehouse and organize and assist at special events. Volunteers currently donate 40,000 hours to AFAC annually.
Volunteers are expected to be vaccinated against the COVID virus and boosted as possible. If you have not been vaccinated, you will need to wear a mask while inside our facility. Masks are optional for all other volunteers. Volunteers will need to fill out this form before coming in.
A list of current volunteer opportunities appears here.
Feel free to share extra information and personal experiences in the comments below, or head over to the forum!