Provides athletic opportunities to young people with physical or developmental disabilities
AREA - Bethesda, MD. Events all over the D.C. area
AGE RANGE - 15 and above
What is KEEN?
KEEN offers exercise and fitness options to young people aged 5 - 25. All of KEEN's programs are based on a single principle: pair a trained volunteer with a young person with disabilities and let them discover together what they can accomplish together. Programs are all open and unstructured, allowing young people with disabilities to have fun and be successful. KEEN programs are open to all young people, ages 5 - 25, with physical or developmental disabilities. Certain programs are for select age groups only. KEEN programs are: free of charge, volunteer-run, age appropriate and non-competitive, open, unstructured and flexible, tailored to each participants's needs, inclusive, regardless of the severity of disabilities.
KEEN offers programs in Washington, DC; Northern Virginia, and Montgomery County and Baltimore, Maryland
How do I volunteer?
KEEN relies on volunteers to keep its programs going, and offers a number of volunteer opportunities. In addition to working with some great kids and young adults with disabilities, KEEN volunteers, or “coaches,” meet a variety of interesting community-minded people. Volunteering for KEEN is fun and offers opportunities for occasional participation, regular involvement, and leadership. Volunteers don't need any prior experience working with disabled individuals – KEEN provides training prior to each session. Coaches don't need to be athletic, either. Our athletes will love you just as you are!
KEEN’s programs are structured so that each volunteer is assigned one program participant, or “athlete.” A coach’s job is to help athletes take part in different sports activities and to have a good time. Just before the athletes arrive and the session begins, coaches receive a profile with details about their athlete’s abilities as well as helpful coaching hints for that particular athlete.
Upcoming opportunities are listed here.
If you enjoy helping everyone find their inner athlete, this may be the opportunity for you!
Feel free to share extra information and personal experiences in the comments below, or head over to the forum!