This D.C. organization aims to provide a high-quality education for all students
AGE RANGE - All ages
What is Turning the Page?
Turning the Page is an organization with locations in both D.C. and Chicago. Their mission is to ensure that students in all areas of D.C. are receiving a high-quality education. They provide families with educational resources and bring communities together to provide a support network. They aim to accomplish these goals in a variety of ways, such as hosting educational events, providing summer learning programs, hosting author visits, and more.
How do I volunteer?
There are two main ways to volunteer at Turning the Page. The first, open to all ages and experience levels, is to help run Turning the Page's Carpe Librum booksales. This volunteer opportunity would involve setting up the event, as well as helping break it down at the end of the day. You also get a free book! These book selling events are outdoor pop-ups or events at Turning the Page's bookstores. Turning the Page provides tens of thousands of books for these day-long pop-up events. While there aren't any booksales in the immediate future, there are several scheduled throughout the summer. To sign up, email
The second way to volunteer is helping out at one of Turning the Page's Community Nights. This volunteer opportunity requires a bit more experience, as it consists of reading with elementary school children and possibly facilitating other literacy activities for younger participants. This opportunity is better for adults or mature teenagers. To sign up or ask additional questions, email Community Nights are held eight times a year, so this one definitely requires some advance planning.
Feel free to share extra information and personal experiences in the comments below, or head over to the forum!