Provides home repair, modification, and upgrades for low-income homeowners, as well as modifications to schools, parks, and other common spaces in underserved communities
AREA - D.C. and Alexandria, VA
AGE RANGE - 18 and above
What is Rebuilding Together DC - Alexandria?
Rebuilding Together DC - Alexandria creates healthy neighborhoods for residents in Washington, DC and Alexandria, Virginia by: maintaining housing for low-income homeowners, providing critical home repairs that eliminate health and safety hazards, providing modifications and upgrades to schools, parks, and other common spaces in underserved neighborhoods, and creating homeownership opportunities.
How do I volunteer?
Volunteers who are interested in helping to repair and maintain homes should fill out this form. Volunteers can assemble teams from work, faith communities or any other organization to have their own rebuilding day. They can also participate in the flagship event National Rebuilding Day.
There is also a Rebuilding Together for Montgomery County.
This is a great opportunity for groups!
Feel free to share extra information and personal experiences in the comments below, or head over to the forum!